Monday, December 1, 2008


I sincerely apologize for not posting yesterday, I had family over and I couldn't really get on the computer when they're around. Once again, I'm sorry. As for today's ranting topic, I think I'm going to rant about cliques.

Hasn't anyone really realized what cliques are doing? Most cliques require you to pass some sort of inspection or test. Some cliques, however, are good. The one kind of test/inspection I absolutely HATE is when you are forced to decide whether to accept a cigarette or not. I hate it! It's the most (sorry) stupid thing a person could say be told to do JUST to get into a clique! I mean, where's the point in it? Next year I will be in high school, and I'm only worrying about cliques a little bit. I like being my own clique, alone, not really in any group of people. It's easier, I don't need to worry about being accepted into any certain clique all that much.
I'll stop ranting now while I can.

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