Saturday, November 29, 2008

Do as you preach

Doesn't it bug you when people teach you something then don't act by that? An example of this is when somebody tells you to respect your elders, then doesn't respect their elders. People need to be led by example, and if you don't do what you preach, you're not leading a very good example. I'm sorry, but you're not. If you tell your child not to swear. . . you shouldn't swear in front of them, it sets a bad example. Children often copy their parents because they think it's cool. Once they learn the words, they're off and running.

Another example involves smoking, drinking, or drugs. If you tell your kids not to smoke, drink, or do drugs, then good for you. It's another thing when you tell them to not do those things then go ahead and do those things right in front of them. It doesn't make sense, does it? I don't think so.

I hate it when these things happen. There are very few good role models on Earth, and if you don't raise your child doing as you preach, then there will be even less.

Friday, November 28, 2008


I've decided to rant on the unfairness of abortion. Many people think the fetus is just a blob. Well, sorry to burst your bubble, but its not. The fetus has hands, feet, arms, legs, and a head. When you have an abortion, you're killing an innocent forming child. Where's the fairness in that?

52 percent of U.S. women obtaining abortions are younger than twenty-five. Women aged twenty to twenty-four obtain 33 percent of all abortions, and teenagers obtain 19 percent. What the hell. 27 percent of women say they are Catholic.

Abortion is wrong. You're killing someone who might just someday become president. You never know. That person you just killed could have made the world a better place. If you have had or are planning to have an abortion, shame on you. It's murdering a developing child. I just don't get how a woman could want that. Sure, if you've been raped and are pregnant you wouldn't want to be pregnant, but just because the father of the child was a rapist doesn't mean the child should be killed. Videos have actually shown the fetus' fighting, trying to hang on. They want to live. You're taking away that freedom, Freedom of Life. Think on that.